유비즈솔루션은 소중한 고객과 함께 성장합니다.

Batch Process, Plant Wide Solution,

유비즈 솔루션은 제약/바이오, 의료기기, 식품, 플랜트 등 제조분야의 ICT전문업체로 GMP에서 요구하는
플랫폼 기반의 토탈 솔루션을 제공하는 스마트 팩토리 전문 기업입니다.

유비즈솔루션은 소중한 고객과 함께 성장합니다.

Batch Process, Plant Wide Solution,

유비즈 솔루션은 제약/바이오, 의료기기, 식품, 플랜트 등 제조분야의 ICT전문업체로 GMP에서 요구하는
플랫폼 기반의 토탈 솔루션을 제공하는 스마트 팩토리 전문 기업입니다.

유비즈솔루션은 소중한 고객과 함께 성장합니다.

Batch Process, Plant Wide Solution,

유비즈 솔루션은 제약/바이오, 의료기기, 식품, 플랜트 등 제조분야의 ICT전문업체로 GMP에서 요구하는
플랫폼 기반의 토탈 솔루션을 제공하는 스마트 팩토리 전문 기업입니다.

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빌딩설계시 자동화 시스템 및 시설/설비관리스템을 결합한 솔루션형태(BMS/EMS/Process Automation)로 공급되며
단일화된 Enterprise Information Management 를 위한 Solution을 제공

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스마트팩토리 플랫폼

제품의 개발부터 판매까지 모든 생산 과정을 ICT융합기술로 통합하여 최첨단 지능형 공장을 구축하는 플랫폼 서비스

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Big Data 플랫폼

생산 공정 및 설비에서 실시간 공정 데이터 수집하여 품질, 설비에 대한 이상 징후에 대한 패턴분석하고 종합적인 현황을 파악 하는 최적의 시스템 구축

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GMP Validation

어떤 조작, 공정, 기계설비, 원재료, 동작 또는 시스템이 실제로 기대되는 결과를 얻는다는 것을 검증하고 문서화하는 서비스제공

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R&D 부설연구소

최신 ICT 융복합기술을 활용한 신기술 개발 및 제품개발

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  • PTL-10/A

    Pressure transmitter for liquid Pressure transmitters for liquids are used for pressure detection in liquid mediums of the air-conditioning, heating and water technique. They are suitable for plants with refrigerant.

  • FloXact

    FloXact measurement probes These probes offer exceptional usability and accuracy. The accuracy of the probe is based on special design of the probe which eliminates the measurement value dependence on air velocity.

  • PS 600

    Mechanical differential pressure switches for air The PS series mechanical differential pressure switches offer a cost effective solution for filter, fan and duct pressure monitoring in building automation systems in the HVAC/R industry. PS series products offer field selectable switching point adjustment.

  • DPT-2W

    Multi-range differential pressure transmitters with 2-wire configuration DPT-2W series differential pressure transmitters are engineered for building automation in the HVAC/R industry. The DPT-2W measure static and differential pressure and they have a field selectable range. DPT-2W series devices include: • 8 field selectable measurement ranges, unidirectional or bi-directional, selectable via jumper, (see Product Information) • Pressure measurement in Pa • 4-20 mA 2-wire current loop

  • DPT-R8

    Field adjustable, multi-range differential pressure transmitters for air DPT-R8 series differential pressure transmitters are engineered for building automation in the HVAC/R industry. The most technologically advanced transmitters on the market measuring static and differential pressure, with field selectable units, range and output, all in a single device. DPT-R8 series devices include: • Multiple measurement units, field selectable via jumper, including: inWC, mmWC, Pa, mbar. • 8 fiel

  • RHT Duct

    Humidity transmitters with temperature output for duct RHT Duct is a relative humidity transmitter with temperature output installed in air ventilation duct. Illuminated display ensures easy readability also from a distance. The RHT has a screwless lid and an easily adjustable mounting flange that make the installation of the device easy. RHT Duct series devices include: • Separate output for each measurement parameter (rH and T) • Mounting flange RHT Duct series device options offer:

  • TEAT PT 100

    TEAT temperature sensors are especially designed for detecting the temperature of heating water. Sensors are always installed in a pocket of stainless steel (AT80), brass (ATM80) or acid-proof steel (ATH 80).

  • TEU LL

    TEU LL temperature transmitter is designed to detect outdoor temperature in HVAC applications. Pt1000 sensor element resistance information is converted to 4…20 mA signal. The ML-SER tool can be used to make one point field calibration and to change the temperature output to controller output.

  • LUK V2

    LUK V2 is a 3-wire temperature transmitter, which converts a PT 1000 -sensor s (not included) resistor value to a linear 0...10 V output. ML-SER commissioning tool can be used to make one point field calibration and to change the temperature output to controller output. Model LUK V2-N has a built-in digital display.

  • TEK LL

    TEK temperature sensors are designed for automatic ventilating systems to detect duct temperatuer. Sensors are mounted to the duct by means of an adjistable duct connection flange for optimal temperature detection. Transmitter`s setting can be chaned by using the ML-SER tool.

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